Submission into the ACT Legislative Assembly Inquiry into “The Educational Achievement Gap in the ACT”

Jun 25, 2009 | Advocacy | 0 comments

On Thursday 25 June 2009, the Legislative Assembly for the ACT referred to the Standing Committee on Education, Training and Youth Affairs for inquiry and report the extent of existing socio-economic differences in educational engagement and achievement in all ACT government and non-government schools, with particular reference to:

  • educational engagement and outcomes for students of all interests and abilities, with reference to any implications of cultural background, including Indigenous and ESL students;
  • engagement and achievement rates within the ACT student population including those related to national and international assessments, including:
    • average outcomes;
    • proportion of students below national and international assessment benchmarks; and
    • proportion of students achieving at the highest and lowest proficiency levels;
  • qualitative assessments of educational experiences for students from different backgrounds;
  • current programs and initiatives designed to address educational achievement gaps, including resources allocated and relevant experiences in other jurisdictions; and
  • any other related matter.

ATESOL ACT’s submission to the Inquiry can be downloaded as a PDF document

For other submissions and the Hansard record of our representatives’ appearance before the Inquiry, go to: