TESOL Glossary

The TESOL field is full of confusing acronyms. What do they mean?

We hope that this table helps with some acronyms. TESOL terms evolve. Some of the terms in the table below are older and fading in popularity while others are more current. That is why some terms have similar meanings to others.

TESOL Acronyms
ACTAThe Australian Council of TESOL Associations – the national coordinating body representing all teachers of English to speakers of other languages.  ATESOL ACT is a constituent association of ACTA.  http://www.tesol.org.au/
AMEPThe Adult Migrant English Program, also known as AMEP, is an Australian Government funded programme which provides basic tuition in the English language to help eligible adult migrants and refugees settle successfully in Australia. In the ACT region, AMEP courses are run by Navitas English and TAFE NSW Illawarra; in other states by TAFE, AMES and other private providers. http://www.education.gov.au/adult-migrant-english-program-0
CALLComputer Assisted Language Learning
CELTACertificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (taught by agencies of University of Cambridge ESOL)
CLOTECommunity Language Other Than English
CLCommunity Languages
DELTADiploma in English Language Teaching (taught by agencies of University of Cambridge ESOL)
EAEnglish Australia (EA) is the national peak body and professional association for English language colleges (ELICOS) in Australia. http://www.englishaustralia.com.au/
EAL/DEnglish as an Additional Language or Dialect. This term is replacing NESB and LBOTE in some places.
EAPEnglish for Academic Purposes
EFLEnglish as a Foreign Language. Refers to English as taught where English is not a native language. Compare with (ESL or ESOL)
ELICOSEnglish Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students
ESPEnglish for Special Purposes
ESLEnglish as a Second Language (synonymous with ESOL). Refers to English as taught to non-English speakers in a country where it is a native language eg Australia, USA, UK. (Compare with EFL)
ESOLEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages (This term was introduced after “ESL” came to be regarded as too limiting because some non-native speakers of English speak more than one other language.)
EVEEnglish for Vocational Education
IELTSThe International English Language Testing System measures ability to communicate in English across all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking – for people who intend to study or work where English is the language of communication. Secondary level overseas students who intend to study in Australian institutions must achieve a minimum score in the IELTS exam, which varies according to type of institution and course which students intend to attend. http://www.ielts.org/
LBOTELanguage Background Other than English
LEPLimited English Proficiency
LOTELanguage Other Than English
LLNPLanguage Literacy and Numeracy Programme. Now known as SEE: Skills for Education & Employment – see below.
NEASThe National English Language Teaching Accreditation Scheme Limited (NEAS) is Australia’s national accreditation scheme for English Language Teaching centres. (It is not involved in accrediting government schools nor independent schools for Australian students.) http://www.neas.org.au/
NESBNon English Speaking Background
NNESTNon-Native English Speaking Teacher
SEESkills for Education & Employment. A Commonwealth funded programme for registered jobseekers. In the ACT region, courses are conducted by CIT and TAFE NSW Illawarra. http://www.education.gov.au/skills-education-and-employment
TAFETechnical and Further Education.
TEFLTeaching English as a Foreign Language
TESLTeaching English as a Second Language
TESOLTeaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
TESOL InternationalTESOL International is an international professional association of teachers of ESOL. http://www.tesol.org/
TQITeacher Quality Institute http://www.tqi.act.edu.au
UECAUniversity English Centres Australia – a network of 30 Australian universities offering English Australia Language courses for overseas students, ELICOS, and IELTS preparation. http://www.ueca.edu.au

Thanks to ATESOL NSW for permission to use their template and some of their information for this document.