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Parliamentary Inquiry into AMEP Contract Management

In response to a highly critical Auditor’s report on the management of the last contract to deliver the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP), a Parliamentary Inquiry has been set up. The AMEP provides English language tuition to approximately 60,000 adult migrant...

New TESOL in Context Journal volume available now!

TESOL in Context 2024 Vol 32 No 2 is now available online, featuring two articles and two book reviews that offer practical insights and thought-provoking content on professional identity and inclusive practices in a globalised world.Visit the website to read the full...

New TESOL in Context issue available now!

New TESOL in Context issue available now! Special Issue "Teaching English Language Learners Across the Curriculum". Showcases the remarkable efforts that teachers and educators are making to cater for the needs of EAL/D learners in schools and mainstream environments....

New TESOL in Context Journal volume available now!

Check out our latest issue: Collaboration, training and funding for the professional development of teachers of EAL/D students New TESOL in Context Journal volume available now! Check out our latest issue: Collaboration, training and funding for the professional...

Applications for this year’s Penny McKay Award now open

Applications for this year’s Penny McKay Award are now open and will close on 31 October, 2023. If you have written or supervised an outstanding doctoral thesis awarded in 2022, please consider making/supporting an application for this award. To be eligible for...

AMEP outcomes-based payment will not proceed

The Department of Home Affairs has announced that it will not be proceeding with the proposed outcomes-based payment system. The announcement was made in November 2022 in the context of a request for feedback on future settings for the AMEP. Click here for the link:...

AMEP launches new on-line resources

A suite of newly developed resources funded by the Department of Home Affairs and aligned to the EAL Framework. These are free and open to anyone. You can find links to the new resources here on our ESOL RESOURCES page.