Here you will find a wide range of Australian resources and websites for teaching English to speakers of other languages.
Libraries, Museums and Places to visit in Canberra
Libraries ACT
Libraries ACT – Multicultural Services
National Library of Australia
University of Canberra (UC) Library
Full membership for UC staff and students. Free external membership for Canberra Institute of Technology staff and students.
Australian National University (ANU) Library
Membership for current ANU staff and students.
National Musuem of Australia
National Portrait Gallery
National Film and Sound Archive
National Library of Australia – Treasures Gallery, special exhibitions and educational programs
Parliamentary Education Office, Parliament House
Old Parliament House and the Museum of Australian Democracy
Canberra Museum and Gallery, Lanyon Homestead, Calthorpe’s House, Mugga Mugga Cottage
Australian National Botanic Gardens
We are spoilt in Canberra with so many fabulous educational opportunities within easy access.
Did you know there is a National Capital Teachers Pass which provides “you, as an Australian teacher, with free access to the National Capital Attractions whilst visiting on weekends or school holidays giving you time to explore the opportunities available for planning an educational tour”?
Some of our members have already used this, and have this to say:
“A really good way for beginning teachers to see what the city offers using the lens of education, especially EALD.” – Robyn
“Some institutions also provide “sample bags” and I think some gave a discount in the shops – this is listed on the advice that comes with the card. Well worth sending off for.” – Lucy
“I’ve used this for years, it’s fantastic!” – Bronwyn
ESOL Resources
Published 2022: a new grammar and pronunciation resource

The Briefest English Grammar and Punctuation Guide Ever! by Ruth Colman offers simple and clear explanations of how to identify elements of grammar and punctuation.
For details, go to: Books | UNSW Press
New Online AMEP Resources

ABC Education Learn English

ABC Education’s Learn English website has a range of free resources, which include grammar, learning tips, vocabulary, English in Australia, and specially created video courses: ‘Everyday English’, ‘Study English’ and ‘English On The Go: 90-second English lessons’. Find them on:
AusELT Resource Wiki

Introducing the #AusELT Resource Wiki
As a result of an #AusELT Twitter chat in 2012 on the topic of Integrating Australian Content into Courses, a group of Australian ESL teachers decided to create a community wiki, the #AusELT Resource Wiki, with two main aims:
- to help our learners better understand and engage with Australian culture, lifestyle, music, film, current events etc, whilst learning English in a way that is practical, relevant and interesting
- to help each other by sharing our favourite resources, ideas, lessons, worksheets and links in one place, so no one has to reinvent the wheel alone anymore.
Read more about it here: Introducing the #AusELT Resource Wiki
Or go direct to the wiki here: The #AusELT Resource Wiki
NSW AMES Publications

NSW AMES publish Australian language and literacy resources including:
readers, listening materials, course materials, online courses, vocational resources, curriculum resources, sample assessment tasks, English for Specific Purposes (EAP) resources, vocabulary and also provide free resources on beach and fire safety, calling an ambulance and understanding good health.
NSW AMES Publications have been moved to VETRES.NET.AU and search for “AMES”
AMES Australia (Victoria) Bookshop

Sugar Bag on Damper

This small publishing company, run by two experienced ESL teachers, produces reading materials, spelling materials, refugee resources and has recently released a set of ‘Everyday Australian English Bilingual Picture Dictionaries’ (pictured left).The site also provides useful information on the topics of ‘Cultural Issues’, ‘Grammar and Vocabulary’, ‘Reading about Australia’ and ‘Spelling and Phonics’.
Boyer Education

Susan Boyer produces resources that “explain and provide practice with English grammar, pronunciation, spelling and everyday conversational language for students and teachers of English.”
Spark! Wordbank and Workbooks

These books are intended for beginners. The websites states that: “The Wordbank gives you a clearly illustrated selection of the most frequent and useful language items organised into topic areas, such as people, activities, food, transport, grammar and phonics lists.” while “The Workbooks bring everything together through a wide range of accessible, engaging and purposeful activities.”
Urban Lyrebirds

Urban Lyrebirds creates innovative English language resources by using the creative arts to teach language.The resources produced by Urban Lyrebirds are suitable for all learners of English, including ESL and literacy students. They are designed to inspire learners and re-invigorate the classroom.
- Sing with me! series of books & CDs
Each original song is followed by five language exercises: vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, reading and writing, and conversation. - Passages to English series
Beginner ESL workbooks for class or individual study. Each of the 15 units begins with an entertaning story which also explores a different element of grammar.
PETAA Publications

The Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) is a national, not-for-profit professional association supporting primary school educators in the teaching and learning of English and literacies across the curriculum.
PETAA publications, print and digital, are classroom-focused and lead the field in Australian English and literacy education while addressing the understandings in the Australian Curriculum: English. Drawing upon recent and relevant research, PETAA publications are grounded in quality pedagogy and feature best quality classroom teaching and learning practice.
The Book Next Door

The Book Next Door produces fun, lighthearted, Australian materials that can be used by teachers or volunteers as extra support for learners. Workbooks are fully photocopiable.
- ESL Easy Reads are easy-read e-books for new learners of English (or for anyone who wants an easy read).
- ESL Extras are books of fully photocopiable worksheets with an Australian focus.
Available from language bookshops and library suppliers. Samples at
Read Me Again Press

Read Me Again Press – books written by an AMEP teacher.Carly and Kumar short stories have been written at three levels so that every student in a class can enjoy reading a story at the appropriate level. ‘New words’ are defined at the bottom of each page to allow for ‘effortless’ reading. An audio CD also comes with the Level 1 book, to support less confident readers.
Adult Migrant English Program Research Centre (AMEPRC)
Although the AMEPRC no longer produces resources, this website still offers free and interesting pdfs for download.
EduRoo – create resources for IWBs and more!

EduRoo is a new free Australian educational resource designed especially for primary school teachers. It is a general resource, but has many activities for ESL teachers to use and customise.
“We provide an easy to use system to effortlessly manage your students, create your own custom activities, target individual student learning, view detailed results data and even digitally team teach! A new and exciting option for integrating ICT into your classroom, EduRoo can be utilised for whole group activities with an interactive whiteboard, individual tasks, homework tasks, testing and for creating tie-in printable resources to be completed in class or at home.“