Our national peak body for TESOL in Australia, the Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA), is delighted that the Department of Home Affairs has set up an AMEP Advisory Committee in line with one of the recommendations of the 2019 Social Compass AMEP Evaluation. The Committee is chaired by Alison Larkins, who was appointed in late 2019 as the Commonwealth Coordinator-General for Migrant Services. For the official announcement, including the names of Committee members, see this media release from the Department of Home Affairs:
Announcement – Establishment of the AMEP Advisory Committee
The Council is further pleased that ACTA Vice-President (and ATESOL ACT President), Helen Moore, was invited to join this Committee. Helen advises that the Committee has had two very productive meetings and, as the announcement indicates, its Work Plan includes consideration of curriculum & assessment, teacher qualifications, online/remote learning and incentivising settlement outcomes.